29 Tamarack Trail

Weymouth, MA 02190


(781) 710-6538



Have a Painting Party Today !!

CQ Painting is now offering a great new service for those who can't afford a professional painter but want a professional job in a relatively quick time!


All you need to do is supply your friends, family & volunteers to help with the work and CQ Painting will bring everything else to supervise the job.  We'll supply the paint, drop cloths, professional tools, brushes, rollers, primers, fillers and expertise.


Save money and time with this unique program.


Give it out as a gift to newlyweds and new home owners!   Get a professional job at a reasonable price with the benefit of the onsite advice of a Custom Quality Painting professional. 

The Process

  • Ideally suited for interior painting, but with a little extra effort from all parties involved, can be used for exterior painting.
  • A quick phone call and  we will identify your painting party needs.
    • What areas has the highest priority?
    • How many volunteers will you be providing?
    • What are the ages of the volunteers (kids vs. adults)?
    • What is their experience? 
  • We will send you some pre-party information and documentation to help you properly prepare for your successful painting party.
  • On the day of your painting party, we will provide all of the professional tools, drop cloths, ladders, and paint needed to complete the job.
  • We will help each volunteer and provide them with their own painting tools and provide some basic instruction and tips on doing a quality job.
  • Next your trained supervisor will provide hands-on examples of correct painting procedures, tricks-of-the-trade and stay the whole time to assist your volunteers with any questions or help they may need.
  • As an additional bonus, if your friends, family and volunteers weren't able to finish all that you hoped for, then don't worry.  CQ Painting will be there for you and give you a discounted price to complete your project to your satisfaction.